Wyoming Retired Education Personnel (WREP) Goals - 2024

WREP exists to help retired Wyoming education persons live lives of enjoyment and happiness as they share their talents and skills with their communities. The following is a list of WREP goals that the executive committee would like to share with you. If you have any questions or comments about them, please contact a member of the executive committee and share your thoughts.

  1. Support scholarships to all community colleges and UW to promote teacher education. The amount given in scholarships will increase as membership in WREP increases.
  2. Establish and support the WREP association as stated in the current and updated bylaws.
  3. Support and remain a partner in the Wyoming Coalition for a Healthy Retirement (WCHR). WREP will have a voting member on the WCHR executive committee. WREP will give an annual donation to WCHR to cover their costs.
  4. Have a presence and attend meetings of the Wyoming Retirement Board. Determine the location of the WRS meetings and who will attend.
  5. Add to and maintain the WREP website with articles and updated information about the organization.
  6. Establish a “Member at Large” position on the Executive committee with traveling expenses to be paid after one year. They will be a voting member.
  7. Continue discussion with Legislators for a COLA, inflation adjustment, or other type of retiree benefit increase.
  8. Continue to provide information about money needed to retire and how to plan for retirement.
  9. Continue to encourage WREP membership by offering supplemental insurance through AMBA.
  10. Plan and hold an annual meeting of the general membership.
  11. Regularly publish and distribute a newsletter to all members concerning WREP work on current goals, national and state retiree concerns, and WREP news.
  12. Have active representation at the national level in the National Retired Teachers Association (NRTA).
  13. Update and maintain a current WREP membership database. This list will be used for all membership mailings.