WREP exists to help retired Wyoming education persons live lives of enjoyment and happiness as they share their talents and skills with their communities. The following is a list of WREP goals that the executive committee would like to share with you. If you have any questions or comments about them, please contact a member of the executive committee and share your thoughts.
- Support scholarships to all community colleges and UW to promote teacher education. The amount given in scholarships will increase as membership in WREP increases.
- Establish and support the WREP association as stated in the current and updated bylaws.
- Support and remain a partner in the Wyoming Coalition for a Healthy Retirement (WCHR). WREP will have a voting member on the WCHR executive committee. WREP will give an annual donation to WCHR to cover their costs.
- Have a presence and attend meetings of the Wyoming Retirement Board. Determine the location of the WRS meetings and who will attend.
- Add to and maintain the WREP website with articles and updated information about the organization.
- Establish a “Member at Large” position on the Executive committee with traveling expenses to be paid after one year. They will be a voting member.
- Continue discussion with Legislators for a COLA, inflation adjustment, or other type of retiree benefit increase.
- Continue to provide information about money needed to retire and how to plan for retirement.
- Continue to encourage WREP membership by offering supplemental insurance through AMBA.
- Plan and hold an annual meeting of the general membership.
- Regularly publish and distribute a newsletter to all members concerning WREP work on current goals, national and state retiree concerns, and WREP news.
- Have active representation at the national level in the National Retired Teachers Association (NRTA).
- Update and maintain a current WREP membership database. This list will be used for all membership mailings.